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National Technical Guidelines for Integrated Disease Surveillance and Response in Somalia - June 2022

Integrated Disease Surveillance and Response (IDSR) is a comprehensive set of evidence-based strategies for strengthening national communicable disease surveillance and response systems for all priority conditions at all levels (community, facility, district, region, state and federal) of the health system.

IDSR seeks to improve integration and coordination when conducting surveillance and response activities.

In this context, integration means that the same structures, processes, tools and human resources are used to conduct similar surveillance and response functions for all priority conditions at all levels of the health system.

Coordination means aligning the resources and activities of the different actors to jointly defined priorities. It includes joint planning, joint information sharing and joint supervision, monitoring and evaluation.

Among others, implementation of surveillance and response activities using the IDSR strategy;

  1. Strengthens the capacity of countries to conduct effective surveillance and response activities at all levels of the health system
  2. Increases involvement of clinicians and other cadres of health staff in surveillance activities
  3. Integrates multiple surveillance systems so that tools, personnel and resources are used more efficiently.
  4. Improves the triangulation, aggregation and use of information to detect changes in disease trends in order to conduct a rapid response to suspected and confirmed outbreaks
  5. Improves the flow of surveillance data between and within levels of the health system
  6. Builds strong laboratory systems and networks at national, regional/province and district levels
  7. Triggers epidemiological investigations of reported public health problems and the implementation of effective public health interventions.
  8. Brings surveillance and response as close together as possible
  9. Mounts an effective response to public health emergencies
  10. Emphasizes community participation in detection, reporting and response to public health problems

Purpose of the guideline

These guidelines specify the common tools and Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) for use in implementing all the core and support functions of surveillance. These include detection, reporting, analysis, feedback, outbreak investigation, preparedness, outbreak response, risk communication, supportive supervision and IDSR monitoring and evaluation

source: https://reliefweb.int/report/somalia/national-technical-guidelines-integrated-disease-surveillance-and-response-somalia-june-2022