Relative to most countries, Nigeria is still lagging behind in areas of healthcare and mortality rates. But a recent recipient of the Lifetime Achievers Award of NHEA and a seasoned haematologist, Prof. Ibironke Akinsete, believes there can only be positive change if the citizens and the government give priority to healthcare. Martins Ifijeh writes
"Dalam waktu dekat kita akan melaksanakan beberapa program kegiatan, guna menunjang peningkatan pelayanan kesehatan masyarakat,” kata Fatimah., Kutai Timur - Pemerintah Kabupaten Kutai Timur (Pemkab Kutim) terus berusaha memberikan pelayanan kesehatan kepada masyarakat.
Pasien Membeludak saat Pertama Buka di Pasar
Berlatar belakang berbagai profesi, belasan pekerja ini mendirikan Klinik Sosial.
Dimotori seorang dokter umum, anggotanya tukang rosok, pedagang warung kopi, peternak ikan, dan pekerja lainnya. Pasiennya tak dipungut biaya
The shortage of health workforce and the uneven distribution of available skilled healthcare professionals have been identified as reasons for poor healthcare service delivery in Nigeria.