Jakarta, Beritasatu.com - Anggota DPRD DKI Jakarta Komisi E Yudha Permana mempertanyakan langkah dan penanganan terpadu yang disiapkan oleh Dinas Kesehatan DKI Jakarta terkait data bahwa sebanyak 50.000 masyarakat
SUKABUMIUPDATE.com - Seluruh puskesmas yang ada di wilayah Kabupaten Sukabumi diminta untuk meningkatkan pelayanan HIV AIDS. Hal ini diungkapkan Bupati Sukabumi Marwan Hamami
Study on babies in Botswana provides strong evidence that early initiation of ART may benefit those who contract HIV at birth
Boston, MA -- HIV infection among infants remains an enormous global health challenge. Each day, 300 to 500 infants in sub-Saharan Africa become infected with the virus. HIV progresses much faster
In a follow-up study conducted in South Africa, Johns Hopkins Medicine researchers say they have evidence that hospital emergency departments (EDs) worldwide may be key strategic settings for curbing the spread of HIV infections in hard-to-reach populations