Learn, Connect, Growth | Tingkatkan Mutu Pelayanan Kesehatan Indonesia


The Covid-19 pandemic has exposed weaknesses in every society and health system around the world and continues to disrupt economies globally. Covid-19 seems to be evolving into an endemic disease, much like influenza, that returns regularly and occasionally with large epidemics and pandemics. Additionally, there are always other emerging infectious diseases that remind us to continue strengthening our health systems to prepare against the next health emergency.

This article reports the results of a study that follows a multi-year, pragmatic clinical trial in a real world, community based primary care. What started as a quality project evolved to include the development and deployment of Artificial Intelligence (AI) decision support to guide medication choices when treating hypertension (HTN). Results show that primary care physicians significantly improved HTN outcomes as compared to the national average of success.

Masalah health information system atau sistem informasi kesehatan (SIK) yang terpecah-pecah di negara-negara berkembang seperti di Indoensia menjadi masalah yang perlu diatasi. Masalah umum yang dihadapi banyak organisasi, termasuk organisasi kesehatan saat ini adalah beberapa sumber informasi dan repositori yang berbeda termasuk basis data, penyimpanan objek, basis pengetahuan, sistem file, perpustakaan digital, sistem pencarian informasi dan sistem surat elektronik, dan sebagainya.